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214: Anthony Rudolf | Explains Why Work-Life Balance Shouldn’t Exist

images-6In the 21 years of Anthony’s career he’s been a student at the Culinary Institute of America, has been an Assistant Food and Beverage Outlets Manager at Doubletree Hotel, was a Matre D at both Jean-Georges NYC  and Per Se, was the General Manger for Per Se and would be promoted to the Director of Operations for the Thomas Keller Restaurant Group. Today, Anthony’s passion project is Journee, where by bringing people together, They hope to empower restaurant professionals to take control of their careers and change the way the industry evolves. They’re doing it simply providing access to knowledge and resources

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Favorite Success Quote or Mantra.

Action Quote

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”

-Theodor Roosevelt

Creativity Quote

“Good artist barrow, great artist steal.”

Confidence Quote

“My life is dope, I do dope shit.”

Gaining Perspective Quote 

“The early bird gets the worm… but what happens to the early worm?”

Whats Your Purpose, or Your “WHY”?

To give people guidance and support in achieving their dreams and goals in life.

Your “It” Factors

  • Embracing change
  • Being Aware of surroundings
  • Patience
  • Being an authentic, good person

Career Challenge or Failure

  • Not recognizing early in his adult life that he was an alcoholic.
  • know, that its ok to be vulnerable.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Knowledge bombs

1. What advice do you have for funding a restaurant?

  • Know that its ok to say no to investors. Not all investors are going to be right for you.
  • Get clear on your core values and who you are. It will increase the yeses and help you find the right investors

2. Success is so dependent on your people. Whats your advice on hiring, managing and retaining people.

  • Define your personal mission in life, then hire people who believe in the same thing.
  • Ask people what they care about during the interview process.
  • Make the interview process less daunting.
  • Don’t just hire a warm body, you’re diluting your culture when you do.

3. What are some current challenges or industry challenges you see coming.

  • Biggest challenge is in labor: hiring people who aren’t ready.
  • There is a lack of compelling leadership.
  • Take a stand by creating a culture and supporting the strong people you have. Don’t settle for “just ok” when it comes to your people

4. How do you balance work and life?

  • Anthony doesn’t balance work and life.
  • He suggest making work and life one of the same.

5. Recommended book?

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action

Wooden: A Lifetime of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court

CLICK  HERE to get a FREE audio version of this Book

6. Recommended tool or technology?

  • Anthony created an intranet platform to serve 3 purposes: Informational, Inspiration, and Conversational.
  • You can create something similar by using tools like Google docs, and Whatsapp.

7. With all the knowledge you have now, if you could go back in time and give your past self one piece of business advice, What would it be and why?

  • Quit Drinking

8. What is one question you think should be added to this interview?

Q:Whats the role of a restaurant in society?

A: To nurture and to nourish

Contact Info

Website: YourJournee.com

Email: Anthony@YourJournee.om

Thanks for Listening!

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Huge thanks to Anthony Rudolf for joining me for another awesome episode. Until next time!

The post 214: Anthony Rudolf | Explains Why Work-Life Balance Shouldn’t Exist appeared first on Restaurant Unstoppable.

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